Monday, April 15, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Giveaway Time!!

Help me reach 500 likes on my facebook page and I will do a custom faerie wing giveaway worth $50.00!
Please feel free to visit my Etsy shop for some ideas of what I can do!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Started a painting!

I'm trying not to be so heavy handed with my watercolors, it's so hard!! :) Well more soon, I have to start the dishes and think about dinner, ewww. I probably would let it slide, but I don't think the kids would like it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Warrior Princess Dream by Sara B.

warriorprincessdream 's blog is filled with beautiful art! Go take a look, and she is having a wonderful Valentine's Day give away, but hurry it ends today!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Muse of 2012

They come when needed, they come when they are not. I think my life is only the beginning to this larger plot!
I was getting so discouraged with myself and every time I sat down with an intent to actually draw something, for the last three or four, it was always nothing! But then today I had one of those times that a sketch came to life and actually turned into something, I had to keep going with it. Until of course I realize it was time to get the kids off the bus ;)Here it is~

Friday, January 6, 2012

Aiv's Waldorf Faerie play mat.

My daughter is making a faerie play mat out of wool roving with a stream and flower patch. She wants to make a faerie house out tomorrow, but for now here is her process. She is doing so great!
 Felting flowers...
 And then stepping stones...
 She did a beautiful job with the stream!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


We made Carrot Tangerine juice this evening with only an apple as a sweetener. I don't understand why some have to add sugars to their juices. It tasted amazing!

To be able to have enough for our family of five we had a bag of baby carrots, two pounds. Three bags of those lil tangerines, the ones with the seeds since we were juicing anyway ;) And one and a half gala apples. It was so scrumptious the kids drank it so fast . I believe if you have kids help with the making of their food and drinks they are more excited about tasting new things! Even my picky daughter  LOVED it.